My story on Ken Gross' exhibit, "Lost Maps of Norumbega" at Monkitree gallery in Gardiner, Maine, appears in the newest issue of Artscope Magazine. Read an excerpt below. And check out Monkitree here.
Ken Gross: Lost Maps of Norumbega
263 Water Street
Gardiner, Maine
Through May 25
A red line makes straight but shaky progress across a backdrop of solid
green. Tendrils and ribbons of sand, shaped and shifted by the sea, resemble
the roaming roots of a tree. A river, streams branching off in curious coils,
embraces a forest before tumbling into the ocean.
This is Maine as Ken Gross experiences it, in a
series of works that meld cartography and art. On
display in the show “Lost Maps of Norumbega”
at Monkitree gallery in Gardiner through May
25, the pieces represent his various physical and
emotional explorations of the state, while also
hinting at the gaps in the terrain of our minds.
In a statement, Old Orchard Beach resident Gross
said, “Maps are pieces of art because each one
is loaded with meaning. Usually they answer
the question, ‘Where is?’ But art asks a different
question, ‘How does it make you feel?’”
Read the entire article in our magazine pages...
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